Valentine’s Day Carrot Menu

Each Valentine’s Day,  WWT makes an entire meal–from appetizers to dessert–using carrots.  This year he kept my classic carrot pudding, but there were many new recipes, too. The celebration wouldn’t have been the same without N.The cocktail was a mistic orange-carrot cocktail with vodka. Secret recipe, I guess, but what a pretty color. Not too sweet, but just right.

The Creamy Carrot Soup with Scallions and Poppy Seeds from Food and Wine 2010 was such a lovely shade of orange, too. He had it made up in advance, and we just re-heated and added some cream. (But it was fine without the cream, and I even made some chicken black bean soup with the leftovers later in the week).

NC N suggested the  Prosciutto and Carrot Bundles, and oh, the basil and the marinated carrots were so fresh.

The main event: Carrot Macaroni and Cheese (also Food & Wine), with some changes: turkey sausage (about 1 cup) and gorgonzola and gruyere.

Carrot Pudding
Serving Size  : 6
Categories    : Desserts & Puddings

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
——–  ————  ——————————–
2              whole  eggs
1/3           cup  sugar
1                cup  milk
2               cups  carrots — finely shredded
3        tablespoons  melted butter
1/2      teaspoon  salt
1           teaspoon  cinnamon
1           teaspoon  allspice
1           teaspoon  nutmeg

Beat eggs. Add sugar and milk and blend. Add remaining ingredients and mix. Pour into buttered baking dish and bake at 325 degrees for one hour or until firm.

If you use a bigger pan, it does change the texture.

Source: “Beth Tartan’s Cook Book 1964″

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Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 166 Calories; 9g Fat (47.8% calories from fat); 4g Protein; 18g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 92mg Cholesterol; 295mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Non-Fat Milk; 1 1/2 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates.

NOTES : W made for Valentine’s Day 2008. Continued 2009, 2010, 2011.

Caramels Double Recipe 2010

Caramels Double Recipe 2010

Recipe By     : Colette Manning
Serving Size  : 96    Preparation Time :0:20
Categories    : Candy

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
——–  ————  ——————————–
4               cups  sugar
4               cups  corn syrup –  small bottle 16 oz; brand doesn’t matter
2             sticks  butter
1/2      teaspoon  salt
2         12 oz cans  evaporated milk
2          teaspoons  vanilla
2               cups  nuts — if desired; toasted good; often walnuts

Place sugar and corn syrup in heavy pan at least 4 qt.  size. Cook to 240-245 degrees stirring frequently (about 20 minutes). Add butter and salt then add milk slowly so mixture continues to boil. Cook to 240 degrees stirring constantly, as this thicken is scorches easily  (can take up to 45 minutes) . Take off heat and stir in vanilla and nut if desired.

Pour into greased pan to cool. I used 3 8X8 square silicone pans

For chocolate carmels add 1cup of chocolate chips with the butter.

For licorice carmels add 2 t. black paste food coloring  with sugar and syrup (or once it has started to liquify)  and 2 tsp. of anise oil instead of vanilla.

For cherry carmels add 2 t. red paste food coloring and  2 tsp. cherry flavor for hard candy.

Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 116 Calories; 4g Fat (30.4% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 20g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 7mg Cholesterol; 55mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Non-Fat Milk; 1 Fat; 1 1/2 Other Carbohydrates.

NOTES : Making a double batch is just as easy as a single. I use large, german stew pot and put gas burner at Medium High.

A long, wooden-handled spoon is good for stirring. Use a pattern to cut papers in bulk. Pizza cutter or knife will work for cutting into squares.

Caramels; wrap in waxed paper, parchment paper or saran wrap twisted (may not keep as well). Also called carmels.

Yammer on Nuked Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes 3

Yamblings: It was way too expensive, but I can never pass up on gadgety things, so I bought a microwave sweet potato in the Silver Spring Safeway.  The “Micro Yam” (though it was really a sweet potato and not a yam) is a triple-washed sweet potato in plastic wrap.

Instructions: Do no puncture or remove flavor seal wrap; Place in microwave. Cook on high about 6-8 minutes (mine was mush at 6 minutes). Sweet potato will be hot, so carefully remove.

I don’t think the variety of sweet potato used was the most flavorful, so I will go back to cooking in a damp paper towel in the microwave (after you’ve punched a few holes into it) and then finishing up in the broiler to get the skin crispy.

The newest Prevention magazine says you should eat sweet potatoes instead carrots to get more antioxidants, but it’s hard to beat a carrot for ease (no cooking required).

Grated Raw Beet Salad

Beet Salad

I love this because it’s so simple — too simple for most restaurants. I usually don’t add any green, but add zest instead — keeps longer in the fridge.  Good topped on a salad, plus some blue cheese on top of that. The beets are easy to peel, and it’s nice not having to cook them.

Grated Raw Beet Salad
Serving Size  : 4     Preparation Time :0:00

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
——–  ————  ——————————–
1/2         pound  beets
3        tablespoons  orange juice
1         tablespoon  lemon juice
1         tablespoon  extra virgin olive oil
2        tablespoons  mint — chives or parsley (or a combination); minced
Salt — (to taste)
Leaves of 1 romaine heart
zest to taste

Peel the beets with a vegetable peeler, and grate in a food processor fitted with the shredding blade.

Combine the orange juice, lemon juice and olive oil. Toss with the beets and herbs. Season to taste with salt. Line a salad bowl or platter with romaine lettuce leaves, top with the grated beets and serve.

Advance preparation: The grated beets can be dressed and kept in the refrigerator, covered well, for a couple of days. They become more tender but don’t lose their texture, and the mixture becomes even sweeter as the beet juices mingle with the citrus. Toss again before serving.

Source: “New York Times
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Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 54 Calories; 3g Fat (55.8% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 31mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat.

NOTES : People who swear they hate beets love this salad. It’s a North African-inspired mixture of grated, uncooked beets dressed with orange and lemon juices and a small amount of olive oil. It makes a great starter when you’re serving something robust as a main course, like a couscous.

Nutritional information per serving: 58 calories; 3 grams fat; 0 grams saturated fat; 0 milligrams cholesterol; 6 grams carbohydrates; 1 gram dietary fiber; 32 milligrams sodium (does not include salt added during cooking); 1 gram protein

Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at

Cucumber Agua Fresca

Refreshing Drink

Cucumber Agua Fresca

Pretty green color even without skin; recipe says “A splash of rum or vodka makes this a great before-dinner drink”  for a Cuke Cocktail. Don’t be scared for the sugar / cuke combo — fresh taste. Good way to get your veggies, or rescue a cucumber a bit past its prime.

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
——–  ————  ——————————–
1             medium  cucumber — sliced into 1/2-inch slices; peeled / seeded optional; about 1 cup
1/4           cup  water
pinch  salt
4              whole  ice cubes
2        tablespoons  fresh mint — or basil to taste
1              whole  lime — juiced or more to taste
1         tablespoon  sugar — Agave nectar or sugar syrup*  To taste
Cucumber spears — (optional)

In a blender container combine cucumber, water and salt. Cover and puree until smooth. If you want it perfectly smooth, sieve mixture, but this is not essential. Add ice cubes and mint; blend until slushy. Stir in lime juice and sweeten with agave nectar to taste. to serve, add a cucumber spear to each glass. Makes 6 servings.

Sugar Syrup: In a small saucepan combine 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar; heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Cool. Pour into a jar and store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Made changes to recipe in:  Better Homes & Gardens.
Start to Finish Time: 0:15
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Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 64 Calories; 1g Fat (6.6% calories from fat); 3g Protein; 16g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 15mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 2 Vegetable; 1/2 Fruit.

Watermelon Mint Popsicles

  • Process several cups of chopped,  ripe watermelon in blender or food processor.
  • Throw in a handful (a few tablespoons) of mint.
  • 2 Tbs of lemon or lime juice.
  • Add sugar to taste . About 1 -2 tsp of sugar per pop – one recipe called for corn syrup.

I made 4 pops with about 1/4 cup of juice per sicle.

I used popsicle molds, but not really necessary – a cup would do. About 4 hours to freeze.

You may need to run hot water over the outside of the plastic popsicle molds to get it to release.

Refreshing, and it didn’t matter that the melon was overripe. Make a good cocktail, too.

Perseid Meteor Shower Kiwi Martini

melissa carrots
From Melissa’s Everyday Cooking:

Kiwi Martini -2

  • 3 oz citrus vodka
  • 2 tsp sugar syrup
  • 1 kiwi sliced and peeled
  • 2 tsp fresh lime juice

Muddle half the kiwis in a cocktail shaker. Add the liquids; ice. Shake; pour into martini glasses. Add the rest of the kiwi for garnish. Very pretty green.