Ewephoria and brie

Ewephoria gouda (on the right) and Normandie brie (on the left)

Isigny St Mere Brie: Normandie is normally known for its camembert, but this brie is from there.  Very good.

Ewephoria: a sweet gouda style sheeps milk cheese from Holland that I found at the Brookville market in Cleveland Park.


Reading Market Cheese

Reading market cheese

The other day we met T.T. and M.T. in Philadelphia so we went to the Reading Market.  I got some interesting cheese (and passed on the cheese that was $40/lb).

Le Fin Normand Camembert – a nice Camembert (aren’t they all?) from Saint-Hilaire de Briouze.  It was one that I didn’t have the box for, which was the main reason to get it.

Pecorino Sardo Ciresa – a very nice Italian sheep’s milk cheese

Asiago – very good, but not as nice as what NA smuggled in for us.

Tete de Moine

Actually, it is Tete de Moine Fromage de Bellelay. A good swiss-style cheese originally made by the monks of the Bellelay Abbey.  Quite good, but they say it is better to shave it with one of those round wheel things with a scraper.  We’ve seen one of those at Cornucopia.


Illinois cheese


AKT got some cheese from the farmer’s market there.  It was from Ludwig Farmstead Creamery in Illinois.

Feather Ridge – a semi-hard raw milk cheese.

Jake’s Wheel – patterned after Havarti.

Vermillion River Blue – a very nice triple cream blue.

AKT also got a nice cheese knife, but the mouse’s tail broke off after the first use.

another rooftop cheese

Rooftop Cheese


Brillat savarin cave aged, a cow’s milk triple-cream brie cheese from Burgandy or Normandie.  Very good.

Ubriacone – a very nice aged cow’s milk spiked with wine

Quadrello di bufala, they say it is a stinky (washed rind) cheese, but ours was a fairly firm nice smelling cheese.

Ewe’s milk blue, which I think was a Whole Foods product, or maybe an Old Chatam Shepherding Company cheese, was very good.


The other day we got some barbeclettes, made by Boska Holland, but we probably got them from Amazon.

They’re designed to be used on an outdoor grill, but we used them on an indoor gas range, and they worked very well.  We used Raclette cheese.

We had it on potatoes, cornichons, and the pickled carrots we got for Christmas.  It was a good, quick, and easy meal.