another rooftop cheese

Rooftop Cheese


Brillat savarin cave aged, a cow’s milk triple-cream brie cheese from Burgandy or Normandie.  Very good.

Ubriacone – a very nice aged cow’s milk spiked with wine

Quadrello di bufala, they say it is a stinky (washed rind) cheese, but ours was a fairly firm nice smelling cheese.

Ewe’s milk blue, which I think was a Whole Foods product, or maybe an Old Chatam Shepherding Company cheese, was very good.


The other day we got some barbeclettes, made by Boska Holland, but we probably got them from Amazon.

They’re designed to be used on an outdoor grill, but we used them on an indoor gas range, and they worked very well.  We used Raclette cheese.

We had it on potatoes, cornichons, and the pickled carrots we got for Christmas.  It was a good, quick, and easy meal.

Kentucky cheese

We went to Lexington, Kentucky for Pablo’s wedding, and sampled some cheese during the trip.  Drew sent us a reference about an Italian deli there, but the link said that they mostly did goat cheese.  When we got to the deli (at 11:11 on 11/11/11), the girl there said that the goats were perturbed during the season and didn’t produce much milk, so they just had sheep and cow cheeses (darn!).  We liked them both, and we had a wine/cheese party in our hotel room before the wedding.

Then we had sheep cheese from Good Shepherd and some cow cheddar from Boone Creek that we got at the farmers market.  They were both good.

Hurricane Irene cheese and ‘crackers’

Hurricane Irene is sending a lot of rain and wind here now, so we decided to have a cheese course.  We tried making buttermilk oat crackers from the recipe in this month’s Culture magazine, but they turned out more like cookies. (They taste good with tea. Not too sweet; not too salty).

Camembert from Delice de France, which was good, but I’m not sure if it was from France or not.

Caciotta Toscana, from the Italian deli in Cleveland Park, a nice cow and sheep cheese from Italy.  Caciotta apparently means farmhouse in Italian.

Gorgonzola, also from the Italian deli, was very creamy.

DC earthquake cheese at Dino’s

After the earthquake in northern VA, we all had adventures getting home from work, what with all of the issues.  I took the subway, which was _very_ crowded, but somewhat on time.  We rendezvous’ed at Angela’s, and went out for a local happy hour.

From the Dino’s menu:

Guffanti Erborinato { sharp ~ sheep } Francia

BEWARE OF THIS CHEESE! Served with honey to tame its fire – Cave aged cheese that blues naturally from the molds in the cave for a wild effect.  What roquefort would taste like if it could!

It was very good, but we’re not sure why we should beware of it.

Central cheese

Claudia arranged for the TBFM group to go to Central for lunch the other day.  I had the lanb burger, which was very good.  I had cheese for dessert.  All of them were from France.

Epoisse, a washed rind (that is, stinky) unpasteurized cow’s milk cheese.

Mimolette, the orange cheese, also from France.  Steve Jenkins says it is bland.

Blue D’auvergne, an AOC cow’s milk cheese.  Very smooth and very good.