Christmas Eve eve pizza

On the day before Christmas Eve AKT made pizza in Burlington.

KST helped with the sauce.
And AKT did the toppings.
And then into the oven.
Concerned cooks watched.
The finished product was great!

Easy Pizza Dough

Recipe By     : Fine Cooking
Serving Size  : 12

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
——–  ————  ——————————–
2 1/4      teaspoons  active-dry yeast — 1 package
1 1/2           cups  water — very warm water; 110 degrees
18            ounces  all-purpose flour — 4 cups
1 1/2      teaspoons  salt
2        tablespoons  olive oil

Making and dividing the dough

Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and set aside (a Pyrex 2-cup measure makes for easy pouring; be sure the cup isn’t cold). Meanwhile, put the flour and salt in a food processor fitted with the steel blade; process briefly to mix. With the machine running, add the water-yeast mixture in a steady stream. Turn the processor off and add the oil. Pulse a few times to mix in the oil.

Scrape the soft dough out of the processor and onto a lightly floured surface. With lightly floured hands, quickly knead the dough into a mass, incorporating any bits of flour or dough from the processor bowl that weren’t mixed in. Cut the dough into four equal pieces with a knife or a dough scraper. Roll each piece into a tight, smooth ball, kneading to push the air out.

Rising and storing the dough

What you do next depends on whether you want to make pizza right way or at a later date.

If you want to bake the pizzas as soon as possible, put the dough balls on a lightly floured surface, cover them with a clean dishtowel, and let them rise until they almost double in size, about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, turn your oven on, with the baking stone in it, to let the stone fully heat.

If you want to bake the pizzas tomorrow, line a baking sheet with a floured dishtowel, put the dough balls on it, and cover them with plastic wrap, giving them room to expand (they’ll almost double in size), and let them rise in the refrigerator overnight.

To use dough that has been refrigerated overnight, simply pull it out of the refrigerator about 15 minutes before shaping the dough into a pizza.

To freeze the dough balls, dust each one generously with flour as soon as you’ve made it, and put each one in a separate zip-top bag. Freeze for up to a month.

It’s best to transfer frozen dough from the freezer to the refrigerator the night before (or 10 to 12 hours before) you want to use it. But I’ve found that dough balls pulled straight from the freezer and left to warm up on the counter will be completely defrosted in about 1-1/2 hours. The dough is practically indestructible.

Shaping your pizza

Put the proofed or thawed ball of dough on a lightly floured wooden board.  Sprinkle a little more flour on top of the ball. Using your fingertips, press the ball down into a flat cake about 1/2 inch thick

Topping your pizza

For some people, pizza isn’t pizza without the scarlet of tomatoes peeking through the cheese, but there are many delicious savory combinations that show off fresh seasonal produce. It’s better to use winter vegetables like greens or even canned tomatoes when fresh tomatoes are out of season.

To get you started, here are two of my favorite ways to top a pizza – plus lots of suggestions for combinations to inspire your own designs.

To make the Angeli Caffé’s favorite, Pizza al Caprino — Over the shaped pizza, scatter 10 to 15 cloves roasted or slow-cooked garlic, 5 to 6 oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes (drained and sliced), 3 ounces crumbled goat cheese, a few capers, and a pinch of oregano. Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil.

To make a simple flatbread — Scatter sliced garlic (3 to 4 cloves), minced fresh rosemary (from 1 small sprig), and coarse salt over the dough. Make several 1/2-inch slashes to keep the dough from puffing up.

Drizzle with lots of extra-virgin olive oil before baking, and garnish with Parmesan. Serve this delicious “Pizza Aglio e Olio” with a salad or cheese.

To design your own pizza — Use any of these topping combinations to inspire your own creation. A generous drizzle of olive oil is a great addition to just about any pizza.

* Sautéed onions, fresh sage leaves, grated pecorino romano, grated Parmesan.
* Basil pesto, toasted pine nuts, slow-cooked garlic, grated Parmesan.
* Sautéed leeks, chopped artichoke hearts, a bit of crushed tomatoes, grated Parmesan.
* Italian Fontina, Gorgonzola, sun-dried tomatoes.
* Garlic, olives, capers, anchovies, and crushed tomatoes.
* Sliced tomatoes, mozzarella, fresh basil.
* Thinly sliced prosciutto, ricotta, fresh basil, grated Parmesan.
* Cooked Italian sausage, sautéed onions, Italian Fontina, mozzarella.
* Sautéed mushrooms, thinly sliced cooked potatoes, Gorgonzola, crumbled cooked bacon or pancetta.

Baking your pizza

Put a pizza stone or unglazed terra-cotta tiles on the lowest rack of the oven and heat the oven to 500°F. Ideally, let the stone heat in the oven for an hour.

Shake the peel (or baking sheet) gently back and forth to make sure the pizza isn’t stuck. If it seems stuck, lift the edges up with a spatula and toss a bit of flour under the dough. Quickly slide the pizza onto the hot baking stone. Bake until the edges are golden, about 8 min. Using a peel, a wide spatula, or tongs, remove the pizza from the oven.

“Fine Cooking” Copyright:  “Feb March 2002″

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NOTES : You can make the dough a day or a couple of weeks ahead. Put the individual balls in zip-top bags and refrigerate overnight or freeze for longer.Yields four balls of dough for four individual 8-inch pizzas; 1-3/4 pounds total.

Holiday Cheese in Burlington


We also had pizza this night, so we ended up having more cheese — mozzarella and romano — so it was quite a cheese night. (Ricotta for breakfast made it an 8-cheese day).

A 2005 survey carried out by the British Cheese Board reported that Stilton cheese seemed to cause unusual dreams when eaten before sleep, with 75% of men and 85% of women experiencing “odd and vivid” dreams after eating a 20-gram serving of the cheese half an hour prior to sleeping.[Wikipedia] We had a white stilton with apricots from P.U.C. (Pretty Unique Cheese) in the U.K. from  Coombe Castle International.  Cow’s milk. The T boys described it as “cookie dough” texture. Sweet.

Cordobes. “Made from Merina sheep’s milk, this semi hard cheese is made specially for Whole Foods Market” — not really much about this. Good — a bit milder than manchego.

Bavaria Blue: This is a mild and creamy German blue cheese.  It’s good for crumbling on salads and snacking.  Though KT still isn’t sure about blue.

Saint Angel: St. Angel is a triple cream specialty cheese that has the delicate taste of cream. Because the curds are never drained with ultra filtration, more calcium, phosphorus, and milk protein are retained than in regular soft ripened cheese. The result is a unique creamy texture, unctuousness and a very healthy cheese (3 times more calcium than in regular soft ripened cheese). This was a hit from the cheese tasting til spreading it on breakfast muffins.

Neal Yard Harves Wensleydale:
This unique cheese is made using a recipe only for Neals Yard. It is cloth-bound, has a traditional rennet, less starter, and matured warmer. This results in a terrific tasting cheese milky, floral, and honeyed, with a smooth creamy texture that toes the line between dry and moist. Its finish has some fresh bright acidity. /  Type: Cow ountry: England /gion: North Yorkshire

Caramels Double Recipe 2010

Caramels Double Recipe 2010

Recipe By     : Colette Manning
Serving Size  : 96    Preparation Time :0:20
Categories    : Candy

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
——–  ————  ——————————–
4               cups  sugar
4               cups  corn syrup –  small bottle 16 oz; brand doesn’t matter
2             sticks  butter
1/2      teaspoon  salt
2         12 oz cans  evaporated milk
2          teaspoons  vanilla
2               cups  nuts — if desired; toasted good; often walnuts

Place sugar and corn syrup in heavy pan at least 4 qt.  size. Cook to 240-245 degrees stirring frequently (about 20 minutes). Add butter and salt then add milk slowly so mixture continues to boil. Cook to 240 degrees stirring constantly, as this thicken is scorches easily  (can take up to 45 minutes) . Take off heat and stir in vanilla and nut if desired.

Pour into greased pan to cool. I used 3 8X8 square silicone pans

For chocolate carmels add 1cup of chocolate chips with the butter.

For licorice carmels add 2 t. black paste food coloring  with sugar and syrup (or once it has started to liquify)  and 2 tsp. of anise oil instead of vanilla.

For cherry carmels add 2 t. red paste food coloring and  2 tsp. cherry flavor for hard candy.

Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 116 Calories; 4g Fat (30.4% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 20g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 7mg Cholesterol; 55mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Non-Fat Milk; 1 Fat; 1 1/2 Other Carbohydrates.

NOTES : Making a double batch is just as easy as a single. I use large, german stew pot and put gas burner at Medium High.

A long, wooden-handled spoon is good for stirring. Use a pattern to cut papers in bulk. Pizza cutter or knife will work for cutting into squares.

Caramels; wrap in waxed paper, parchment paper or saran wrap twisted (may not keep as well). Also called carmels.

Cheese on a rainy night

A Mix of Cheeses

All from Brookville grocery store: I bought these just because there were two we hadn’t had before — even though we aren’t much for flavored cheese. The manchego is just a regular – salty to balance out the white stilton with apricots from P.U.C. (Pretty Unique Cheese) in the U.K. from  Coombe Castle International. The stilton was decent — more of a dessert than a dinner or cheese tray appetizer. It came in a cute, little, round 7-0z package. I had high hopes for what I thought was a sheep cheese — but it also had some goat in it, which didn’t work for the W. It was a hand-crafted sheep & goat’s milk cheese Fetiri  with mint and oregano Mt Vikos. I think it would be good in a Greek salad with a few olives.

Yammer on Nuked Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes 3

Yamblings: It was way too expensive, but I can never pass up on gadgety things, so I bought a microwave sweet potato in the Silver Spring Safeway.  The “Micro Yam” (though it was really a sweet potato and not a yam) is a triple-washed sweet potato in plastic wrap.

Instructions: Do no puncture or remove flavor seal wrap; Place in microwave. Cook on high about 6-8 minutes (mine was mush at 6 minutes). Sweet potato will be hot, so carefully remove.

I don’t think the variety of sweet potato used was the most flavorful, so I will go back to cooking in a damp paper towel in the microwave (after you’ve punched a few holes into it) and then finishing up in the broiler to get the skin crispy.

The newest Prevention magazine says you should eat sweet potatoes instead carrots to get more antioxidants, but it’s hard to beat a carrot for ease (no cooking required).

Lucuma Gelato is a hit

Lucuma fruit

I headed early to the Van Ness Market and almost got hit by a baby deer on Connecticut Ave, but I recovered to buy lucuma gelato.  I had no idea what a lucuma was, but I found it was a fruit, mostly found in Peru, with a dry and starchy orange-yellow flesh. The web says, “The bulk of the production is used in dehydrated form with only a small percentage reaching the local markets to be consumed fresh. Once dehydrated, the lucuma powder (or flour) is mainly sold as flavoring to be used in ice creams and other dairy products….Some may say it tastes like caramel custard and others a bit like pumpkin….In Peru, it is a favorite. Some say lucuma ice cream’s popularity surpasses even the common vanilla and chocolate flavors! ”

The kids at the market (college kids whose Mom is Peruvian and sends it here) had pudding, cookies and gelato. They also had big bags of the dried stuff you could buy. The cookies were nice, big and chewy. My nephew was telling me lucuma ice cream is his favorite flavor, and I may have to go back next week and buy the bag of powder.

Another bonus: it is somewhat good for you, and it may be used as a sweetener. “Lucuma is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals including plentiful concentrations of beta-carotene, which makes it a powerful immune system booster. It is rich in iron, B2 and B1. It`s also high in niacin, which makes it a cholesterol and triglyceride balancer.”

Chocolate Cupcakes for All

We had a BBQ picnic at lunch, and I wanted to make something that one of my dairy free co-workers could eat (no cow products or cinnamon for here either). I was up for the challenge, but I wanted to make something that everyone else would like, too.

I’d read about “Chocolate Cupcakes for Almost Everybody” in the Best Food Writing 2009.

I used vanilla soy milk (the recipe calls for soy or rice milk, but a vegan friends says the rice milk doesn’t rise as well.) I also had Dutch Processed cocoa powder, which is a bit darker than regular cocoa powder.

The recipe says it will make 12 cupcakes, but it made 18 for me — it leaves more room for the glaze on top. That did reduce my cooking time from 20 minutes to about 15 minutes. I added orange/Halloween sprinkles to make them more festive.

And they were a hit. The chocolate cupcakes were moist and with a very rich, chocolate flavor. I really liked the 3-ingredient  icing / glaze — easy to make and spread. All the ingredients are ones I have on hand, and the recipe is very easy to make. You could use buttermilk if you aren’t a soy milk person, but the texture was just right – not my different than my black bottom cupcakes.

In an interview with The New York Times: “Eggs are the big lie in baking.” On the Web site, Post Punk Kitchen, Isa Chandra Moskowitz concedes that eggs give baked goods structure and leavening. “However,” she writes, “like a bad boyfriend, they can be replaced, and with pleasing results.”

Of course these won’t work for my gluten-free friends because of the flour . I’ll have to try that challenge the next time.

Grated Raw Beet Salad

Beet Salad

I love this because it’s so simple — too simple for most restaurants. I usually don’t add any green, but add zest instead — keeps longer in the fridge.  Good topped on a salad, plus some blue cheese on top of that. The beets are easy to peel, and it’s nice not having to cook them.

Grated Raw Beet Salad
Serving Size  : 4     Preparation Time :0:00

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
——–  ————  ——————————–
1/2         pound  beets
3        tablespoons  orange juice
1         tablespoon  lemon juice
1         tablespoon  extra virgin olive oil
2        tablespoons  mint — chives or parsley (or a combination); minced
Salt — (to taste)
Leaves of 1 romaine heart
zest to taste

Peel the beets with a vegetable peeler, and grate in a food processor fitted with the shredding blade.

Combine the orange juice, lemon juice and olive oil. Toss with the beets and herbs. Season to taste with salt. Line a salad bowl or platter with romaine lettuce leaves, top with the grated beets and serve.

Advance preparation: The grated beets can be dressed and kept in the refrigerator, covered well, for a couple of days. They become more tender but don’t lose their texture, and the mixture becomes even sweeter as the beet juices mingle with the citrus. Toss again before serving.

Source: “New York Times
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Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 54 Calories; 3g Fat (55.8% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 31mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 1 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1/2 Fat.

NOTES : People who swear they hate beets love this salad. It’s a North African-inspired mixture of grated, uncooked beets dressed with orange and lemon juices and a small amount of olive oil. It makes a great starter when you’re serving something robust as a main course, like a couscous.

Nutritional information per serving: 58 calories; 3 grams fat; 0 grams saturated fat; 0 milligrams cholesterol; 6 grams carbohydrates; 1 gram dietary fiber; 32 milligrams sodium (does not include salt added during cooking); 1 gram protein

Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at

Cheese at Flight Jacket Night Takes Off

3 American Cheeses
3 American Cheeses

We went to the National Air and Space Museum for the annual Flight Jacket Night. Richard C. Kirkland, pilot, author and artist was the speaker. He flew 103 combat missions in P-38 and P-47 fighters with the famed “Flying Knight” squadron in the southwest Pacific during World War II. He and his wife had nine children — and of course now have multiple grandkids and great grandkids.

We are members of the Air & Space Society, and the staff, including Elizabeth, Rachel and Christina did an excellent job of the program and the reception beforehand. The food and drinks were excellent, and the setting couldn’t have been better — right in the middle of the new exhibit,  Barron Hilton Pioneers of Flight.

Highlight for us: the cheese. All surprisingly delicious – not like the cubes you get at many receptions:

1. (Alpine) Pleasant Ridge Reserve Cheese. Artisanal American cheeses reminiscent of French Gruyere style cheeses. It was awarded Best of Show at the 2010 American Cheese Society conference, an accolade it won in 2001 and 2005 as well. Pleasant Ridge Reserve was named U.S. Champion at the 2003 U.S Championship cheese contest. It’s the only cheese ever to win both national competitions. Pleasant Ridge Reserve is made from the non-pasteurized milk of a single herd of Wisconsin cows fed & managed using natural, “old world” practices. Dodgeville, WI, Uplands Dairy.

2.  Cheddar with Carmelized Onions. MODESTO, CALIFORNIA Fiscalini Farms. This cheese has a firm, crumbly straw colored flesh; a nutty, slightly smoky, earthy taste; and a more round finish than most aged cheddars. It looks like it might have been Bandage Wrapped Cheddar, but it was hard to tell at the reception. It hand-turned daily for the first two months of its life, and it is aged for 18 months. We skipped the onions, but they say it is delicious with many types of fruit and even red / white wines.

3. Amablu® “St. Pete’s Select” blue cheese with a fig chutney. Cave aged a minimum of 100+ days in Faribault, MN at the Faribault Dairy Company. Our first cheese aged in genuine sandstone caves; Hand-made from unpasteurized cows milk from local farmers.

Amorini Panini

Panini Logo

Amorini Panini — I loved the name. I walked by it after jury duty last week, and they had only been open a a few days.  The staff could not have been nicer. I had the Caprese — Mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, basil pesto & balsamic vinaigrette spread. They looked all over to find the right bread, and the pesto sauce is specially ordered. I asked how they can keep the sandwiches on the menu after tomato season, and I’m not sure they quite understood my question. It was decent, but I had them add the offered hot peppers, and it didn’t quite work with the Caprese — maybe I should have gotten on the side.  I’d go back again because of the location and the enthusiastic staff.  And they will soon have homemade soup. And there is always the Breakfastinis.

I went to the Ford’s Theatre (Museum afterwards, but it’s too bad the renovation did not keep the original charm or artifacts.  Amorini Panini: 906 F St NW, Washington, DC 20004 • [P] 202-347-4575 Near the International Spy Museum, Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, Ford’s Theatre, Madame Tussaud’s & just one block West of the Verizon Center.)