Cowgirl Creamery Fondue

Fondue in a bag
Fondue in a bag

Cowgirl Creamery has assembled paper bag fondue kits for under $20. It’s easy to make your own, but it was nice to have all the rinds removed and just exactly what you need – with no preservatives.


1/2 pound Cave Aged Gruyere

1/2 pound Wagon Wheel

1 clove crushed garlic

1/2 cup dry white wine

salt & pepper to taste

Dice cheese into small cubes. Heat fondue pot, add crushed garlic clove. Deglaze with white wine. Sloly add cheese until meled and smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Reduce heat.

Served with cubed bread or raw veggies for dipping. Nice if you haveĀ  a small crockpot or fondue part to keep it warm.

It serves 4, so we split the recipe and did it a half at a time.

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