Notes from ‘The Complete Chile Pepper Book’

picture of book
by Dave DeWitt & Paul Bosland

some links:
The Chile Pepper Institute lots of stuff here, including seeds
Cross Country Nurseries bedding plants and chile pods (in central NJ) lots of food products a UK site

some chiles that do well in containers: Early Jalapeno, Thai Chile, Big Early, Super Chile, Tangerine Dream, Redskin, Mohawk

For a vegetable-base hot sauce:

  • saute 1/2 cup onions, 1/2 cup carrots, and two garlic cloves (minced)
  • puree in blender with peppers of choice
  • combine this mash with 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup lime juice
  • simmer for 10 minutes
  • strain into sterilized bottles and refrigerate

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