New Carrot Tray Imported from Illinois

Memorial Day Cheese with Carrot Tray

Take a good look at the left handle of these new tray Marilyn got me — a carrot, of course.  The carrot bowls were a gift from W some time ago — great for holding carrots — and many other things.

The cheeses: Mitica Lou Bergier Pichin, Lamb Chopper Cypress Grove,  Cordobes Mitica. From Whole Foods Tenley Town. All were good, but the Mitica Lou Bergier Pichin, a cow from the Italian Piedment region, was especially creamy and good.

The bread was from Palena’s market — one of the top restaurants in DC. Definitely worth the extra stop.

We were at Whole Foods for Brews And Bites! Fill The Grill last Thursday night.

The blue in the bowl is a favorite from Wagshall’s last week: Point Reyes Original Blue, an all-purpose cheese from California. Aged 5 months.