Cheese evening at the O’B’s


We went over to the O’B’s for a cheese evening.  We first went to Arrowine to get the cheese, wine, and salami.  They have a good selection of everything.


S. O’B had a nice layout of salami, carrots, crackers, grapes, chutney, and proscuttio.


We started with a soft, camembert-like Moses Sleeper by Jasper Hill Farms, in Greensboro, Vermont.  It was a bloomy-rind cow’s milk cheese aged for 3~6 weeks.  We all liked it.

Next was Wyfe-of-Bath from the Park Farm in Kelston, England.  It was a semi-firm cow’s milk cheese formed in cloth-lined baskets.  Very good.

Then on to Ewephoria, which we’ve had before, and have always liked.  They liked it too.  It is a sheep’s milk cheese made in Holland and shipped to the US.  I guess they don’t understand the play on it’s name.

We had brought over our Boska Holland raclette plates and so we had raclette cheese on apples, cornichons, and carrots.

Last was Black Ledge Blue from Cato Corner Farm in Connecticut.  It was good, creamy.

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