(apparently, the weekly) dinner at Angela’s

cheese image

These cheeses were from Calvert-Woodley, and all on sale!

Fromage d’Affinois
milk: pasteurized cow
country: France
type: bloomy

Anyone who has spent any amount of time behind Murray’s cheese counter has doubtless encountered customers mistaking Fromage d’Affinois, for Brie. Just because it’s made in France, from cow milk, soft-ripened, and covered with a soft, bloomy rind, does this mean it’s Brie? No, Fromage d’Affinois is its own cheese, produced from milk that has been specially filtered to yield a silkier texture than Brie. Its sweet, mild flavor precludes the mushroomy earthiness normally found in its identical-looking cousin. Accentuate the lusciousness with a glass of fresh-berry Beaujolais.
score: at, ms, na, wt: this one is very good

Saint Nectaire (AOC)
milk: cow
type: uncooked, pressed, semi-hard
score: wt liked it, but others thought it was too grassy, some even compared it to velveeta (but she liked the cheddar with sage in it!)

Wisconsin Cheddar
Unknown anything about this; if we weren’t all cheese snobs this would have scored pretty good.

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