Butter Pecan Ice Cream 3

One difference from version #2 – just the egg yolks, no egg whites. Taste / texture was not as icy.

Cuisinart 2 quart maker – 7/20/2020
Adapted from a Recipe By : Mable & Gar Hoffman

Slurry mixture:
3/4 cups sugar
1/2 cups glucose (5 oz this time)*
4 cups half-and-half
4 egg yolks
* Use 1 cup sugar, but the texture will be different.
You can use corn syrup in place of the glucose

After heating:
1 heaping TB of molasses
2 teaspoons vanilla

Optional for texture: 2 tsp tapioca powder dissolved in 2 TBS milk

Pecan mix:
3 TBS butter
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans
1.5 teaspoons salt

Combine sugar and milk in a medium saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolved and comes to a boil, stirring occasionally.
In a large bowl, beat the eggs for about 5 minutes, until they are lightish yellow and thick. Add the hot milk a cup at a time until tempered.
Return the mixture to the pan, and on medium low bring to 180 degrees. Off the heat, add the molasses.
Cool in a sinkful of water to 50 degrees. Add the vanilla and optional tapioca powder.

Put in the fridge overnight.

In the meantime: Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan over a low heat. Add the pecans and salt. Saute, stirring constantly, until the pecans start to brown. Transfer the pecans to a large, flat pan to cool. Try to keep crisp.

Add the cold mixture to the ice cream machine. Process until the right texture, about 25 minutes in the Cuisinart. Add the pecans at the end.

*You can also use brown sugar but the milk will curdle. Bon Appetit says it will look curdled, but it doesn’t matter. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/brown-sugar-bourbon-ice-cream