Cheese on a rainy night

A Mix of Cheeses

All from Brookville grocery store: I bought these just because there were two we hadn’t had before — even though we aren’t much for flavored cheese. The manchego is just a regular – salty to balance out the white stilton with apricots from P.U.C. (Pretty Unique Cheese) in the U.K. fromĀ  Coombe Castle International. The stilton was decent — more of a dessert than a dinner or cheese tray appetizer. It came in a cute, little, round 7-0z package. I had high hopes for what I thought was a sheep cheese — but it also had some goat in it, which didn’t work for the W. It was a hand-crafted sheep & goat’s milk cheese FetiriĀ  with mint and oregano Mt Vikos. I think it would be good in a Greek salad with a few olives.

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