Yammer on Nuked Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes 3

Yamblings: It was way too expensive, but I can never pass up on gadgety things, so I bought a microwave sweet potato in the Silver Spring Safeway.  The “Micro Yam” (though it was really a sweet potato and not a yam) is a triple-washed sweet potato in plastic wrap.

Instructions: Do no puncture or remove flavor seal wrap; Place in microwave. Cook on high about 6-8 minutes (mine was mush at 6 minutes). Sweet potato will be hot, so carefully remove.

I don’t think the variety of sweet potato used was the most flavorful, so I will go back to cooking in a damp paper towel in the microwave (after you’ve punched a few holes into it) and then finishing up in the broiler to get the skin crispy.

The newest Prevention magazine says you should eat sweet potatoes instead carrots to get more antioxidants, but it’s hard to beat a carrot for ease (no cooking required).