Watermelon Mint Popsicles

  • Process several cups of chopped,  ripe watermelon in blender or food processor.
  • Throw in a handful (a few tablespoons) of mint.
  • 2 Tbs of lemon or lime juice.
  • Add sugar to taste . About 1 -2 tsp of sugar per pop – one recipe called for corn syrup.

I made 4 pops with about 1/4 cup of juice per sicle.

I used popsicle molds, but not really necessary – a cup would do. About 4 hours to freeze.

You may need to run hot water over the outside of the plastic popsicle molds to get it to release.

Refreshing, and it didn’t matter that the melon was overripe. Make a good cocktail, too.